Check out our Podcasts for great interviews with ‘Celebrities’, Local Business Owners, New Discounts and more!
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Episode 1, Intro to My Family Guide (Recorded April 18, 2017) – Who is My Family Guide and what is the MFG Membership Card? We talk about the creation of My Family Guide and how it was designed to help everyday families.

Episode 2, Buying and Selling Manufactured Homes (Recorded April 19, 2017) – FAQs about buying and selling a mobile / manufactured homes. MFG Card Members receive a HUGE discount. A lot of great content…enjoy!
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Episode 3, Family Cruising: Fact vs. Fiction (Recorded April 26, 2017) – There is a lot of misconceptions about cruising so we break it down and give you the real truth. You can also read our blog post about this topic by click here.
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Episode 4, Marriage LLC (The Series) (Recorded April 27, 2017)– Marriage and business ownership can have it’s pros and cons. We talk about the similarities of a successful marriage and having a successful business.
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Episode 5, Cruising – 10 Best Reason (Recorded May 2, 2017) – For those of us who have cruised, “why cruising?” has been a question asked to me several times by non-cruisers. I’m going to breakdown the awesome benefits of cruising and why it should be on top of your of list of things to do on your next vacation. Now I know that some of the hard-core travelers don’t believe that cruising is “real” travel. Some think you need to live and breathe the culture by immersing yourself and need to live like the locals. There maybe some truth to that. But, I have to admit that I like traveling with some luxury and want to be spoiled, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that either. So, with that said, here are my top 10 reasons to cruise! Click here to read more from our blog
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Episode 6 – 15 Items to Pack in Your Carry-On (when traveling with kids) (Recorded May 3, 2017) – As a parent of 2 children (7 yo & 4 yo), I’m always looking for ways to improve our travel experience, especially when flying. If you don’t come prepared on the plane, it can make for a LONG flight. I have learned a few hard lessons along the way (e.g. my son not making it to the toilet mid flight), so why not learn from my mistakes! LOL! Here is a list of items I pack in my carry-on luggage to help improve any child disaster that is thrown at me. Click here to read more from our blog
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Episode 7 – Star Wars: 10 Reasons Why your Kids Need to Watch Star Wars (Recorded May 4, 2017) – It’s May 4th and the unofficial holiday of Star Wars!!! Ben gives us the Top 10 Reasons that your kids need to watch the Star Wars movies. What do you think? Leave a comment below! To view pictures of our ‘Hollywood’ themed wedding, click here!
Episode 8 – 10 Tips to Save Money on Your Next Cruise (Recorded May 18, 2017)
Cruising is tons of fun but it can also be expensive if you just start charge everything to your shipboard account. I’ve only been on about a half dozen cruises but I have figured things out the hard way…financially. So, I thought I would share some money saving tips so you don’t end up with an outrageous credit card bill at the end of a restful vacation. Remember: the cruise ships are designed to make money, not save you money. Click Here to Finish reading our blog post
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Episode 9 – Visit to New Orleans, Day 1 (Recorded June 14, 2017)
My Family Guide is visiting the Big Easy in search of family-friendly fun! Join us as we explore this beautiful city and reveal that there is more than Bourbon Street!
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Episode 10 – Back to School (Recorded September 7, 2017)
It’s the end of summer and school has started. Our kids were excited for school to start, especially our youngest because he was starting kingergarten. In this episode we give thoughts and prayers to those effected by Hurrricane Harvey and brace for the impact of Hurricane Irma. We also talk about the uncontrolled fires in Oregon and the Columbia Gorge. Lastly, we end on a high note and highlight some of our summer trip and all the new businesses that are participating with the My Family Guide Card.
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Episode 11 – A New York State of Mind: Memorial from 9/11, 15 Years Later (Recorded September 11, 2017)
New York City is a magical place and is a must see for anyone. It was the first stop of our three week vacation before heading to Europe. We highlight our memories of experiencing the Big Apple on the 15 year anniversary of September 11. This episode it not to be missed! We even have a few bloopers along the way…enjoy! 🙂
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Episode 12 – Flying First Class, Is it Worth it? (Recorded September 12, 2017)
Flying First Class or Business Class can be very expensive. Is it really worth all the money based on everything you get? We talk about the difference between First Class / Business Class and Economy. What do you think? Share your comments or experiences with us.
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