2023 – Summer Camp & Family Fair – Now accepting vendor applications
Call of Vendors
If you provide a youth summer camp or activity or services for families (ex. photography, health services, daycare services, etc) please register to have a booth at this fabulous event. The main emphasis of the Camp Fair is programs for school age children. How do you get involved? Complete the Vendor Registration Form and pay the registration fee to My Family Guide.
Vendors can also be a sponsor and receive extra marketing and reduced fees on your booth. View the sponsorship information below.
To get registered for the Camp Fair, vendors can complete the form online – see the link below. If you prefer you can print, complete and mail in the Registration Form attached below. Once your registration form is submitted, you will receive an invoice with the option to pay online. Vendor spaces cannot be confirmed until both the registration form and fees are received.
Early Bird Pricing – Vendor Booths and Add-On Opportunities Rates will increase an additional $50.00 beginning April 1, 2023. To receive early bird pricing the vendor application and payment needs to be received on or before April 1, 2023 to qualify.
Marketing Benefits of Sponsors
Firstenburg Community Center, My Family Guide, and community organizations will be promoting this event to each of their audiences. Sponsorship is an excellent opportunity for your business to get excellent exposure leading up to the event as well as the day of the event. By advertising, it shows that your business is supporting local families and local businesses within the community. If families are your target market, than this event is the perfect opportunity to reach your audience.
Sponsorship Levels
We invite you to partner with us. Supporting the Summer Camp & Family Fair expands your brand’s reach and demonstrates a vested interest within the families of the community. There are multiple levels at which you can give depending on your capacities

Exhibitor Opportunities
Early Bird Pricing is listed below. Vendor Booths and Add-On Opportunities Rates will increase an additional $50.00 beginning April 1, 2023. To receive early bird pricing the vendor application and payment needs to be received on or before April 1, 2023 to qualify.
Registration closes Sunday, April 9, 2023 by 10:00pm
Vendor Booth (8′ x 5′) – bring own table (up to 6 ft) – $275 / $225 Early Bird
Vendor Booth – Table Provided 5′ x 2′ – $300 / $250 Early Bird
Non-Profit (501c3) – Bring Own table (up to 6ft) – $225 / $200 Early Bird
Non-Profit (501c3) – Table Provided 5′ x 2′ – $225 / $200 Early Bird
Add-On Opportunities
Tote Bag Sponsor (SOLD) – $500 – Your business logo on one-side and MFG logo on other side. Given to the first 100 families to attend. (Must be confirmed by March 22, 2023)
Add Promo Items to Tote Bags – $30 – You supply promo items, coupons, flyers, etc and we fill them in the Tote Bags. Given to the first 100 families.
Passport – $25 – Your logo will be on the passport. Given to all attendees. It’s a great way to increase engagement at your booth.
Still have questions? Feel free to send us an email at myfamilyguide.events@gmail.com or 360-567-6979.